Radon Testing

Odorless, But Not Dangerless

Worried about Radon in your home? Radon can be in every home (old and new), and prolonged exposure can cause lung cancer. According to the EPA, radon is one of the leading contributors to the development of lung cancer, second only to smoking. For this reason, regular radon testing is key whether you’re a homeowner, or you’re interested in purchasing a home.

Test Before It’s Too Late

No matter where you are in the US, your home may be exposed to dangerous radon gas. Radon is a natural, radioactive gas that is produced when uranium in the Earth’s crust decays and turns into radium.

Outdoors, radon will naturally dissipate harmlessly into the atmosphere as it rises through the crust. But in homes, it can become trapped, which is dangerous for the health of you and your family. Radon is colorless and odorless, and it is extremely carcinogenic.

Schedule Your Inspection

Schedule your test today with one of our IAC2 trained indoor air consultants. After a visual inspection of the basement and building foundation including crawlspaces, our inspector will install a continuous radon monitoring system in your home; systems will remain installed for 48 to 72 hours to obtain the most accurate results. We utilize only the highest standard radon monitors from Airthings.

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